
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, December 17, 2021

the way of love

The Way Of Love (The Episcopal Church)

1.     TURN again and again to God

2.     LEARN Jesus’s ways through scripture and holy reading.

3.     PRAY and dwell intentionally with God every day.

4.     WORSHIP God weekly through community praise, thanksgiving, and petition.

5.     BLESS one another by giving our lives away in love.

6.     GO across borders to join in solidarity and heal brokenness

7.     REST in God’s grace, because the revolution is not ultimately up to us.


The way of Love

The way of Jesus

The Way


When Jesus said he is the way, the truth, the life, this is what he is talking about

A way

A way of life

A way of being and doing


He does not ask us to walk the way of domination

or embrace the way of wealth


He does not tell us to consent to an ideology

to accept a set of rules

or take seven happy hops to heaven


Jesus asks us to engage in a relationship

opening ourselves up through study, prayer and worship


Jesus asks us to be a part of a community in which we bless one another

by offering unconditional love

and creating a space where our connection to all that is Sacred can blossom freely.


Jesus asks us to under stand that the community is not a protective bubble

but a petri dish in which love and passion can grow

and that it is simply the starting place

from which we are to go forth

into the world


crossing the normal boundaries establish by human creatures


the boundaries of nationality


economics and class





crossing those boundaries not to coerce and control

but to welcome and include


Jesus also reminds us that it is not about us

not really

but about the relationship


it is about the fact that the Sacred is present in us

and we are present in the Sacred

and this reality called the Spirit

blows like the wind, driving us from comfortable place

and burns like fire, searing us with a passion for justice and equity


and that the Sacred uses us

as we engaged

and learn

and grow and risk


to change the world


through the way of love

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