
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Domination is dangerous

It’s everywhere it seems

In fundamentalist churches, evangelical churches

Even I suspect in many progressive churches


A theology of domination


In my more cynical moments, I think that dominion theology is

as American as apple pie.


But it may be worse than that!

When did dominion become the primary theme in the church?


Much of the time Constantine gets the blame

With the Edict of Milan

Which opened the door for the Edict of Thessalonica

which is the actual document that linked the faith system called Christianity with the state.


It was also during this time that the Nicaean Creed was created

Followed a little later by the Apostles Creed,

A shorter statement of faith.


It seems to me that it was during this time that domination

Became the name of the game.


In the Nicaean Creed and Apostles Creed alike

The suffering of Jesus is mentioned

But the focus is on Jesus Ascension and rule

Jesus seated at the right hand



While there is certainly something to be said for Jesus the King

Christ victorious


It seems to me that from that moment on

The church functioned top-down rather than bottom-up.


Instead of being a religion of the riff-raff

Instead of being a faith system for the poor and vulnerable

A faith system that assumed servanthood and sacrifice


It became a system awash in both power and wealth

A faith imposed on people

A faith that sought to control people through edict and fear (and punishment)


It was no longer, in quite the same way

a faith of the heart

A connection with the Sacred that transformed from the inside out and changed the world from the bottom up.


Through service, and sacrificial giving,

Through humility, and justice, and love


A theology of domination emerged

That became dominant

And as country after country after country became “Christian”

Those countries adopted a subsequent ideology of domination

Supported by this theology of domination.


And thus conquest, colonization, even genocide

In the name of Jesus.


And this ideology of domination continued and supported

the theology of domination

coming full circle


Today in America we are caught in this vicious circle of domination

Not just the country, which has always had the belief it had the right to impose its will on the world,

But the church in America, which has aligned with oppressive power

With wealth

With lies

With abuse

With racism


Over and over and over again


There is a place, I suppose, for power and dominion

But I suspect such outcomes should catch us by surprise.

Just as the sheep in Matthew 25 are surprised at their blessing

so we too should be angels unaware

people who simply love God

accept our reality as Sacred Children

and then love and serve others, as sacrificially, generously, and humbly as we can


for those who are the servants of all are great

in the Kingdom

that is marked

by Love

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