
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, December 22, 2022


When you looked at me

your eyes imprinted your grace in me;

for this you loved me ardently;

and thus my eyes deserved

to adore what they beheld in you. . . .

Let us go forth to behold ourselves in your beauty.

                     John of the Cross, “The Spiritual Canticle,” stanzas 32, 36



what is grace

other than the Beloved

looking on us with eyes of love?


What is grace

other than the Beloved making us the beloved?

loving us so deeply that we are given Love

permeated with the Sacred


the Beloved giving us a piece of

the Sacred

call it Spirit

call it Love

a piece of himself/herself


and then, as the indwelling one, empowering us to love God

which allows God to come back to us in full measure

a circle of love


The "very love with which we think we are loving God

is actually the love by which God first loved us" (Meister Eckhart)

until beloved by the beloved


we participate

in all that is peace

all that is hope

all that is joy

all that is love


and thus connected

and so filled

we are reconciled and transformed


new creations!

Sacred children


what is grace

other than we children of grace

flawed vessels that we are

cracked pots


leaking grace


looking at others the way the Beloved looks at us?

seeing in them not just a little piece of the divine

but also a little piece of ourselves


for we all participate

that “single, bigger Gazing and Loving”  (Richard Rohr, Daily Meditations, 4/11/21)

that some call God


we all are joined together

by the bond of Sacred Presence

that inner dwelling


so that Sacred is in me

and Sacred is in you

and thus I am part of you

and you are part of me


what is grace

other than realizing we all participate

in the same love

unearned and freely giving


all participate in the same



the same welcome


that we are indeed One in the Spirit

and that we have no other choice

but to love our neighbor


no matter who that neighbor is

no matter what that neighbor has done

no matter their color, culture

creed, sexual orientation

or ideology


we have no choice

but to love them as ourselves

passing on

humbly, through (in many cases) our weakness


(remember, grace is most often leaked)


the acceptance and welcome

we have received


until they too understand

they are precious souls


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