
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, December 21, 2022



As it is written in the prophet Isaiah,

“See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way, the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight,’ ”

          Mark 1:2


Children and dogs are the messengers of God some of us do not deserve them

Ginnetta Correli


Love is the way messengers from the mystery tell us things –




I met a man once

who said he was a messenger of God


itinerate, and without a home

he wandered the land

sharing the news of Jesus


“I ate beans with him” the messenger said

“at a shelter in New York.  He now goes by the name of Lighting Amen”


perhaps we scoff at such audacity

and walk on our way laughing at such a scurrilous soul


but I wonder


how would we receive John the Baptizer

that brash, unruly, scruffy prophet

wandering in from the desert with his fiery message?


how do we receive the messengers of God?


ah, the messengers of God!

who are they?

what do they look like?

what messages do they bring?


are they angels on the wing


or are they dogs and children

touching our hearts with joy and love


are they prophetic voices such as Thomas Merton

or Martin Luther King Jr?

pushing us toward change?


do they comfort or challenge?


Yes!  No! Maybe!


I suspect there are messengers everywhere

of every shape and size

speaking to us in every kind of way


Shouting into the wind

Whispering our ears

In the stillness, in the noise


Calling out


Love is on the way

That is perhaps the one thing I am sure of

The message


And the message is this


Love is about to advent here


The old hymn has it right

Angels, announce with shouts of mirth, Christ who brings new life to earth.

Set every peak and valley humming With the word, the Lord is coming.

People, look east and sing today: Love, the Lord, is on the way.


God sends, in so many ways, a message of Love

You are loved

You are to love


You are loved unconditionally

You are to love unconditionally


You are all loved

You are to love all


Cats, dogs, children

Mountains, rivers and trees

Prophets and priests

Mothers and fathers

Famous and obscure


All messengers

And we too

We are messengers of love


I agree with Isaiah

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace,

who brings good news, who announces salvation…”


We are the way God speaks love into this world

Through our words, our actions, our attitudes

We make the message clear (or not)


how beautiful it is when we live out our calling

and become


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