I’ll be ready when you are!
No, I’m not ready, this is my
first cup of coffee!
I’m as ready as I’ll ever be!
are we ever ready?
for anything?
can we ever be truly, completely
I remember, in my younger days
those intense souls who
put the fear of God into me (and
so many others)
Jesus is coming back
the day of the Lord will come
like a thief,
“the heavens will pass away with
a roar
the elements will be destroyed
with intense heat,
and the earth and its works will
be burned up” (2 Peter)
and if you are not ready?
well, it is conscious eternal
torment for you!
and to be ready?!
what did that mean?
enter the world of unclarity
Jesus did in fact talk about
being “ready” (Luke 12)
be “clothed”
keep the lamps burning
(and this is really the punch
be ready to serve (ah, there is
that servant thing again)
be wise
know what God wants
and do what is generous and
oh, and there was one more thing
don’t be a jerk
don’t be a bully
don’t be a person who abuses
and takes too much for
so what does it mean to be
does it mean to spout a formula?
does it mean embracing the right
creed, or ideology
does it mean going to ‘church’?
(the ‘right” church)
is it about performance?
does living in the shadow of
mean we have to keep looking
over our shoulder
for the arrival of an angry,
cruel, and retributive God
who will punish us if we are not
if that is what it means can we
ever, ever, be “ready”?
no wonder some feel Christianity
is a religion based on fear
(it has certainly been made
what I get from Jesus is this
that I simply need to be
connected to the Sacred
however that happens
I need to be a branch connected
to the source of life of a love
and so connected, be filled with
life and love
(let’s call that the Spirit)
and then I need to be open
enough to (imperfectly to be such) let life and love
flow from me to others
and that should be my goal,
every, single, day
to be a person who lives love
oozes love and grace
who does the work entrusted to
them by Jesus
(of taking care of others, read
the parable)
until at some point
That moment when the
unmistakable, unavoidable presence of Love
will once again be
and because it will be the
arrival of Love
it will be good news
for all the people
I’m ready
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