
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, January 26, 2024

Beyond comfort

There is nothing more confusing to the postmodern personality, to the millennial sojourner, than to have to exist between the strange life of dealing with your Blues and Gospel all the time. Madness and ministry, chaos and Christ. My father heard an elder in Georgia say it this way. When he asked her, “How are you doing, Mother?” she said, “I’m living between Oh Lord and Thank you, Jesus.”

          Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III



I have never been oppressed

I have been treated unfairly,

And accused of things that are not true


But most of my pain has been of my own making

And most of the flaws and errors attributed

Have been real


As a white male

Raised in relative affluence by decent parents

As a person with tons of privilege

A great education

Degrees and influence


Whatever obstacles I have faced in life

Have been minimal

I don’t know how it feels to be black, or indigenous

To deal with systematic oppression

Or with transgenerational trauma


I have been


For lack of a better word


And then along comes Jesus

Not the Jesus I met in the Sunday School classroom

In the basement of the Presbyterian Church in Lakeview, Oregon.

The Jesus introduced to me by my youth group leaders

Or those ministers who influenced me in college

Not even the one sliced and diced by my seminary professors at Princeton


Not a Jesus who is a ticket to heaven (get me out of here God!)

Not a Jesus who wants me to pull away from a sinful world

And huddle in fear

Nor a Jesus who wants me to grab power and wealth and control the world

(still out of fear)

Not a Jesus who is about exclusion, and piety

And, if truth were told, retribution not grace


The things I was taught about Jesus which no longer seem true

Could fill a book


But along comes Jesus


A Jesus who says (Mark 1)

“The time has come, the kingdom of God has come near.

  Repent and believe the good news!”


A Jesus who calls me to let go of everything

To die!

So that I might be raised to newness


A Jesus who is real, powerful,

Who fills me with a little bit of everything that is Sacred

Joy, hope, peace, kindness, forgiveness,

And yes, pain


Pain over the pain I see

Anguish over the injustice and inequity

Over poverty




A Jesus who wants me to change

To turn from all that is not love

To become the best self I can possibly be


Not to escape wrath

But to become a person who touches the people around me

With Sacred Love

And works to change the world into the likeness of heaven

Who strives to bring the kindom of God nearer


So here I am

Living between

Oh Lord and Thank you, Jesus.


Seeing the world

Being stunned by the greed, the hate

The lust for power

The lies

The distortion of the Gospel

The malignancy


Seeing myself in the mirror

Still a mess

Still so full of confusion and fear

Still making mistakes that hurt others, and me


And yet being so thankful

For Jesus

For resurrection

For newness

For the power I am given to work for Love


O Lord, help!

Thank you, Jesus, for all good things


The time has come

The kindom is near

I need to change

The world needs to change

I am called to change

I am called to participate in creating change


Not by insisting on dominance and control

But by loving, forgiving, caring, sharing


Oh, Lord!  (Help!)

Thank you, Jesus,


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