
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, January 19, 2024

I can only believe

It haunts me

Lingering in my mind

Like the foul stench of something dead that I cannot find


It sticks to my clothes

My mind, my heart

And I cannot wash it away


With good thoughts

Or good theology


It is the smell of hate, fear, resentment,

And vindictiveness


My four horsemen of the apocalypse


We live in a world dominated by malefaction

These profane powers eat away

At the fabric of decency like a cancer


Until people believe the lies

Support the unsupportable

Abandon not just truth but compassion




And all that is love and light

Seems overwhelmed




Ezekiel like I am looking out on a valley of dry bones

As 30% of those around me believe a proven lie

And people of “faith” worship a vile person

Who, fists clenched, face and voice distorted

Ridicules, dehumanizes, and incites


We are stripped clean of wisdom and decency


Can these bones live?

Can these bones live?


I have to believe

I do believe

Lord, help my unbelief


This is what faith is about

Faith in a God of creativity and love

A God of justice and compassion


A God who cares


I do not know how

I do not know when

I only know


That this God is turn to

This God who is as close as my breath

This God who came, and lived among us


Three and one

Human divine

Power and humility


This God can and will

Bring these bones to life


There has been evil before

There will always be evil

Foul souls will always seek and sometimes gain power



But always God is present


Working through weakness and humility

Through kindness and grace

Working, working, working


Until in the driest, most lifeless moments

there is “a noise, a rattling sound,

and the bones come together, bone to bone…

and tendons and flesh appear on them and skin covers them,

and the breath of God

breathes life


and love wins

in ways small, ways large

ways obvious, ways hidden


I do not know what happens

To those people of the lie

To those who hate and destroy

And wallow in resentment and retribution


I cannot (yet) wish them well

But I cannot wish the hell


I can only hope for transformation

For restoration

For the light to shine in the darkness


I can only believe

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