
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

redemptive love

Ironically, most violence comes from a deep desire for justice.  No one likes weeds in their garden.  And no one likes evil in the world.  We all would like to rid the world of evil, which is probably why all the talk of good and evil so is attractive.  But the problem, says Jesus, is that if we try to pull up the weeds from the garden we will rip the wheat up too…The big question comes to be what to do with evil.

          Shane Claibourne



What do we do with evil?

It’s complicated!


What is evil?

Everyone has their own idea!


Evil are the LGBTQI+

Evil are the pro-choice people

Evil are those liberal (godless) socialists

Evil are


Evil are the authoritarians

Evil are the gun lovers

Evil are the greedy

Evil are


Evil are “they”

Those people


The fact is, there are a lot of ills in this world

A lot of people do things that harm other people

And damage the planet

And harm themselves


All up and down the spectrum

All means all


There is nothing wrong with understanding that this world is a mess

That we human creatures are not living out our full potential

As Sacred children


But there is a problem when we affirm our own purity

But labeling the rest of the world as dirty

And decide to weed the garden (Matthew 13)


The problem is when we move to redemptive violence

That is not the way God works

(even though we have insisted it is for so long)


The birth made it clear

The Beatitudes made it clear

The cross, above all, makes it clear


Redemptive violence is not the way

Dominance.  Control.  Coercion. Punishment



Not the way

Violence doesn’t save; it only destroys in both the short and long term.


For every Muslim extremist killed, another is birthed

As one peacemaker once noted:

“Drones, creating enemies faster than they can kill them” (Benjamin Corey)

Gaza is not redemptive violence

It is just violence, creating another generation of people with a reason to hate


As Claibourne and others have noted,

Violence begets violence

Hatred begets hatred


And love begets love


“Jesus replaced the myth of redemptive violence with the truth of redemptive suffering. He showed us on the cross how to hold the pain and let it transform us, rather than pass it on to the others around us.” (Richard Rohr)


When we seek to destroy all that is not pure in the world,

We end up destroying everything and evil flourishes

It is only when we seek to love our enemies

That evil will diminish


It seems illogical

And everything in our system screams against it!


Yes, but…

Yes, but…


But what if liberals instead of demonizing conservatives

Had sought to love them and listen to them?

What if those who prize fetuses sought to love the women carrying them

And listened to their fear and pain?


What if?

I know

I know


It is complicated.

I am not saying I could do what Jesus did

Accept the injustice and cruelty

Look hate in the eye and say

“God forgive them”


I am not saying I know what to do with

The racists

Those who believe violence is the answer

Authoritarians who would destroy everything for their egos


I am not saying I know what to do with those

Who lie, hate, horde, promote violence,

Those who harm


The pedophiles, the murders, the sexual predators


But I know that I am challenged to see them

The way Jesus sees them

To see that a spark of the Sacred still remains

And to enter into their fear and pain

And try


As best I can to love them

Hoping to help them into newness even as I see newness for myself


One of my favorite groups is the Dollyrots!


And they did a cover of Auld Lang Syne

In which they ask everyone to do two things every day in the coming year


First, get up every morning and do something that makes one’s self feel better

And then, second, do something for someone else that makes them feel better


Not a bad way of living



Love God

Then love self (in a healthy way)

Then love others


That is how redemption happens


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