Come to Me/ Goo Goo Dolls
Come to me my sweetest friend
Can you feel my heart again
I'll take you back where you belong
And this will be our favorite song
Come to me with secrets bare
I'll love you more so don't be scared
When we're old and near the end
We'll go home and start again
Start again
2023 comes whimpering to an end
It has been a year
I come to this place tired, dealing with pain
Angry, at times
Sad, at times
I also come to this place understanding in a way I never
have before
Which is perhaps the same as saying we are dust
But is mostly a way to remind ourselves
That we are constantly connecting with life
With others
And with the Sacred in such a way
That we constantly let go
And hand in hand with Love
Start again
And again, and again
New Years is a pale shadow
Of a reality we are to live each moment of our lives
Letting go of what was
Dying, so to speak
And being born again
Into whatever is next
There are many “whatever is next” moments in our lives
And in those moments we feel fragmented and vulnerable
Tumbled about
But there is a next
And if we let the Sacred ‘feel our hearts’ again
Then that next can be transformation
A starting over, and over and over
It is not just change
“Change of itself just happens;
spiritual transformation is an active process of letting go,
living in the confusing dark space for a while,
and allowing yourself to be spit up on a new and unexpected
shore.” (Rohr)
So on this last day of 2023 join me in looking back, but
only briefly
Look back, as much as is possible with gratitude
Then let of the anger and guilt, disappointment and
Let go even of the comfortable, if there was any
It is a time to celebrate endings
And yes, there are endings
And yes, perhaps every thing shall come to an end at some
My life
Your life
This country (that seems like a real possibility)
This world
But each ending is a beginning
And faith is trust
It is trusting Love enough to let go of the past
And with eyes wide open, move into newness
whatever it might turn out to be.”
So take that Kierkegaardian leap of faith
Take the hand of the sacred
And step into what is new
Start again
And again
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