
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, March 2, 2017

I love you

Compassion is the love that recognizes and goes forth to identify with the preciousness of all that is lost and broken within ourselves and others. (Thursday)

Meditation embodies compassion that forms the essential bond between seeking God in meditation and all forms of social justice. The more we are transformed in compassion, the more we are impelled to act with compassion toward others. (Friday)

Practice: I Love You, I Love You

When you sit in meditation, your breathing naturally slows. Quietly focusing your attention on your breathing is a way of slowing down and settling into a deep meditative awareness of oneness with God. Breathing out, be quietly aware of breathing out. Breathing in, be quietly aware of breathing in. Each time you realize you have drifted off into thoughts, memories, sensations, and other ego-based modes of being, simply return to your breathing as your anchoring place in present-moment attentiveness.

Your efforts in following the path of breath awareness might be enhanced by repeating a word or phrase with each breath. A practice I have found particularly helpful is to pair breath awareness with the phrase “I love you.”

As you inhale, listen to the incoming breath so intently that you can hear in it God’s silent “I love you.” In this moment, God is flowing into you as the source and reality of your very being. As you exhale, breathe out a silent “I love you” back to God. As you inhale, be aware of the air as being God flowing into you, as the divine gift of your very being. As you exhale, allow your silent “I love you” to be your very being, flowing back into the depths of God.

Simply sit, open to God breathing divine love into the depths of your being, as you breathe your whole being, as a gift of love, back into God.     Findley

We are going to throw undocumented immigrants “the hell out of the country”
Breath – “I love you”
We are going to be on “top of the pack” when it comes to weapons of mass destruction
Breath – “I love you”
The press is the enemy of the people
Breath – “I love you”
They are fake, “they” are scum”, they are (insert insult here)
Breath – “I love you”
It is going to be us first, USA first (cheers echo, USA, USA)
Breath – “I love you”
“If heaven has a gate, a wall, and extreme vetting, why can’t America (Actual CPAC agenda item)
Breath – “I love you”
You are going to see “one of the greatest military buildups in American history
Breath – “I love you”

The hate is palpable
The selfishness is profound
The danger is extreme
The behavior, belittling others, minimizing, bullying, insulting, dehumanizing – is constant

What can we do, O Sacred One
In the face of such evil, such a desire to hurt and punish and destroy?

“Sit, open to God breathing divine love into the depths of your being, as you breathe your whole being, as a gift of love, back into God”

And then, calm
Full of Sacred Presence

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