
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, March 25, 2018


May the blessing of light be upon you,
Light on the outside, Light on the inside.

With God's sunlight shining on you,
May your heart glow with warmth,  Like a turf fire
that welcomes friends and strangers alike.

May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes,
Like a candle in the window,  Welcoming the weary traveler.

I want to be a person
Of hospitality

I want to be a person from whose eyes shines
The light of love

I want my compassion to be so complete
It is like a beacon
Drawing people
Welcoming them

Into a place where they are safe
And accepted

I want to have a heart that glows
With the warmth of that which I have first received
Holy fire
Sacred love

Love received , love given
It is the Sacred way

Sounds simply
But its not

Sometimes the “Anthem” plays through my mind

Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)
That's how the light gets in

It  seems odd sometimes
that my desire to be a heartening
presence should be rooted
not in strength and purity
but in brokenness.

Jesus is our example
How was Jesus the light?
Sure he gave us amazing teaching, words to live by,
Sure, he performed miracles

But is that how Jesus was the light?
It seems to me that Jesus was the light through the way he touched the lives of people
Through the way he touched, and loved, and restored, and lifted up
The sick, the sinful, the poor, the hurting, the outcasts

And he was the light, most of all, by dying on a cross
By being battered, and beaten, and, yes,

Jesus who changed the world, and opened the door to the Sacred
Not through power but through brokenness

It is when we are struggling in the dark
When we are stumbling around
Needing light
Needing love
Needing God
Hungry, seeking, wounded, and full of cracks
It is then that the light finds its way into our souls

It is through our cracks
Through our brokenness, our need
Our hunger, our seeking
That the light gets in

And that is also how the light gets out!

We share the light
Not through power
Not through strength
Not by us being a “perfect offering,” by buying into the “purity project”

We share the light not when we stand on spiritual pedestals and proclaim our truth as the truth
Not when we tell everyone around us how bad or evil they are
Not as we judge and reject, not when we are strong, and quite often arrogant…
But when we let the light we have received
shine back out through the cracks

It is how we are in the darkness
It is how we are in our pain
It is how we are in our failure
It is how we are in our weakness
That most reveals the light in us…….

And it is in this way
That we become
A welcoming person, in whose presence
People can find the freedom, to be themselves.

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