
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Space Between

When the gentleness between you hardens And you fall out of your belonging with each other, May the depths you have reached hold you still. When no true word can be said, or heard, And you mirror each other in the script of hurt, When even the silence has become raw and torn, May you hear again an echo of your first music. When the weave of affection starts to unravel And anger begins to sear the ground between you, Before this weather of grief invites The black seed of bitterness to find root, May your souls come to kiss. Now is the time for one of you to be gracious,To allow a kindness beyond thought and hurt, Reach out with sure hands To take the chalice of your love, And carry it carefully through this echoless waste Until this winter pilgrimage leads you Toward the gateway to spring.
 From John O’Donohue, The Space Between Us

What fills the space between us?
I suspect that space is meant to soft
Filled perhaps with what we call love
Filled with Sacred Presence
With that power that fills us and binds us

I suspect that space is filled with differences
Sexual orientation

I suspect that space is filled
All too often
With fear, and anxiety
Perhaps even hate

I suspect that there are hard barriers there
Tall walls
Topped with razor wire

We build the best walls
And we harden to one another

May learn to meet on another again
As for the first time
May we meet with the exuberance of first love
With the warmth of long lost friends

May we learn to treat each other carefully
And touch each other kindly

May the Sacred
Which walks with us, through all our pain and fear
And shows us what love is really like
Give us a mind united toward one another

May we open our hearts to one another
As God’s heart has been opened to us

And may the space between us become
Filled with softness, generosity and compassion
So filled that there is no room for enmity and fear

May we find one another again

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