
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Deeper Eyes

The Yoruba tradition uses the term ashe to mean the essential divine nature in everything.  It is the idea that within all things lives sacredness if looked for with “deep seeing eyes”.  Even negative people or events are not void of ashe; it just takes deeper eyes to see it
                                                            Laura Berman Fortgang.  Little Book of Meaning, p.95

Sometimes I have trouble remembering
That Sacred came down

That Sacred made itself touchable
In that incarnation we call the earth

And Sacred was everywhere
And in everything

I have no troubling believing
That the first incarnation was in the
Moment we called creation

I can see Sacred in the bright blue sky
The white peaked mounting soaring

In the eagle, the hawk
In the deer who leap nimbly through the woods
even in the turkeys, predatory and messy

But the sacred also came down in a person
A baby
A brown man who walked the dust of Palestine
Who taught and lived and died
Divine nature beautifully aroused and visible

To remind us that the Divine is in people too
Those seemingly twisted and messed up creatures
Who afflict the planet
Their very home

I can little trouble seeing the divine in the faithful people who sit
In old pews, keeping hope alive
I an often see Sacred in smiling children
In the enthusiastic young

But it takes more work to see Sacred in those people
Who for one reason or another are,
The one who is violent
Or who struggles with addiction, and turns his desires in on himself

In the one is fearful

And then there are others
Way too many others
Where I struggle to see Sacred Presence at all

My vision is blurred
There are so many things that blind me

An Ideology of hate(that’s a big one – I admit it)

People actively tearing others down to build themselves up

All of a sudden all I can do is label

I no longer have deep seeing eyes
With some people
(to my regret)
I am almost blind

Lord give me eyes that see
That recognize
Divine presence

For there is something divine, good, right
Something blessed in every person
If I have the eyes to see it

Yes, this idea challenges me
Expands me
I don’t want to believe this about some
(my favorite villains, who will go unnamed)

But even they
Even they
Have essential divine nature

I just have
To look
Deeper eyes

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