
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, March 7, 2019

I might be wrong

"One is
in one’s worst state
when one considered himself or herself
.... good and pious. "
- Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya

what I know is that I do not know

what I understand, is that I am a beautiful and terrible mixture
of strength and weakness
intelligence and rank stupidity
persistence and irresolute
faithful and doubting

and I know, that this is good

for when I forget that I might be wrong
and might be selfish
and might be controlling

then I am likely to be a danger
to myself and others

the error of those who resisted Jesus
was not that they did not believe
nor was it that they did not want to be “holy”

they were not people of evil intent

but they were people who did not understand
that there is no hierarchy in the kingdom
we are all “in Christ”
all participants in something we cannot begin to understand
or define

something that permeates creation
and permeates each one of us

and we all have one job
to awaken to this Presence as best we can
give this Power (we call it The Spirit) room to move
and then live accordingly
as best we can
(Jesus is our model)

So we cannot say
As those who stood on the street corner, aloof and proud
We cannot say from pulpits high
Or from the safety of our pews

“Thank God I am not like them”
For we are.

We can not say
“There but for the grace of God go I”
But must instead understand, that at a profound level
“There am I”

Call it Spiritual humility
Call it theological flexibility

Call it what you will

I often think of the story Jesus tells
of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

I hate the way the story ends
So I want to write a new end to this story

I don’t want the Pharisee to go away, arrogant, entrenched and separated
I don’t want the tax collector to go away, still, perhaps,
wondering if he is really loved by God
And still outside the circle, still trapped in his old life.

I want the Pharisee and the tax collector to move toward each other
For the Pharisee to come down off those steps (move away from the Temple)
And the Tax Collector to move out of his hiding place, out of his place of shame (get out of the gutter)

I would like to think of them, meeting, perhaps in the middle of the road
Standing ankle deep in dust

And hugging, perhaps crying
Both aware of their failure, yes, but both aware, so aware of God
of God’s love, and God’s power
And aware of, and open to, each other

I would like to think of them standing there, together
There in the middle of the road,
Bound together by love

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