
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Where do heaven and earth meet?

The history of almost every religion begins with one massive misperception; it begins by making a fatal distinction between the sacred and the profane. Low-level religions put all their emphasis on creating sacred places, sacred time, and sacred actions. While I fully appreciate the need for this, it unfortunately leaves the majority of life "un-sacred." I remember reading about an Irish missionary's attempt to teach the Masai people about the Catholic Sacraments. The missionary said that a sacrament is a physical encounter or event in which you experience Grace or the Holy. The people were then confused and disappointed when they were told there were only seven such moments. One Masai elder raised his hand and said, "We would have thought, Father, there would be at least seven thousand such moments, not just seven."
                                                                                    Richard Rohr,  Blog, 2/17/16

It is an important question…
where is that place where sacred and profane meet?

where sacred shines through,
where we can catch a glimmering, glistening momentary
flash of holiness?

is it, as the priests of Israel insisted,
on Mount Zion, in that place behind the veil?
on the seat of mercy?

is in the cathedral
or country church,
where prayers are often spoken
and sometimes left unspoken?

Is God present in the chalice upheld,
“behold the cup of the new covenant!”

Is the meeting place where mountains thrust boldly into azure blue,
or where sky and land greet each other at the rising
or the setting of the sun?

is it in the journey of the stars across the sky?

or is that place where heaven and earth collide
in the grasp of a baby’s hand,
or in the smile of a child?

or perhaps, in the drop of a quarter into the cup of a homeless man?
in words of forgiveness
in our welcome of the immigrant
in our acceptance of that person so different from ourselves

perhaps it is found
when we feed the hungry
protect the child
lift up the elderly
value the poor

Where do heaven and earth meet?

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