
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, March 3, 2019

keep going

" I tell you to keep going, not because
it's easy.
Not because it doesn't hurt. I tell you
to keep going ... because there is no
other way.
To stop is to die. Life is motion .
In growth. In change.
Life is in seeking and finding. Life is
in redemption.
Each moment is a new birth.
A new chance to come back,
.... to get it right.
A new chance to make it better. "
- Yasmin Mogahed

Meister Eckhart once said
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”

Do I have to start over each day?
Isn’t once a year enough?

We must always be dying and being born
We must always be letting go, and starting fresh

Not every day
But every moment
Every moment we must die
But every moment we are reborn

Every moment involves another choice
Another chance

It is not easy, always
To choose life
To choose to keep going
To choose newness

It is amazing how much stuff sticks to us
Like hay and branches and dog hair
On my beloved fleece coats and pants

We drag stuff along with with
And unwanted

We need constantly
To de-fuse
With things unseemly


And not everything we encounter
As we take our next step is good
Or helpful

The way between Jersualem and Jerich
The way between birth and death
Is full of dangers
And there are times
Oh!  There are times

But then there is resurrection
The Sacred One is one who raises us up

We are not old
We are always new creations
Ever being made new
Ever being held, lifted, comforted, empowered

By the Sacred within us

As we sometimes run
Sometimes walk
Sometimes stumble
Sometimes crawl
Along our way

God reinvents us moment by moment

Gives us opportunities
To be reborn
To grab hold of what is new
And start again

With the Sacred there is always another chance
Another opportunity for healing

Today is today
And this day I will notice my thoughts
And accept the way I feel
And choose to do what I care about

The next moment calls
And I will choose to do one thing that moves me toward what I value
Love, caring, compassion, generosity

And then that done, I will choose the next right thing

And so Sacred and I will stumble forward
Toward what is next
(and there is always a next)

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