
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, October 28, 2019

drop the knife

Once a young woman said to me
“Hafiz, what is the sign of someone who knows God?”

I became very quiet, and looked deep into her eyes, then replied,

“My dear, they have dropped the knife.  Someone
who knows God has dropped the cruel knife
that most so often use upon their tender self and others.”
                               Hafiz (Daniel Ladinsky, A Year with Hafiz, p. 33)

what happens
when we open ourselves to the Sacred?

what happens when we greet the Sacred within
and enter into a love relationship
with the One who is all love?

how do we know?
How do others know that
we are in love?

when humans love each other
you can see it in their eyes
in the smile they give one another

you can see it in gentle touches
and kind acts

it is hard to hide true love
it gives itself away

when we love God
people can see it
in how we love other people

they can see it in our eyes
in our patience
in our generosity and kindness

they can see it in the way
we are no longer cruel

in the way we no longer see our selves
with judgmental eyes
no longer abuse ourselves
tormenting our selves with our failures and flaws

but instead are able to soften, to open
and receive love
and be at peace

and they can see it the fact that we no longer need
no longer need to get even
no longer need to win at the cost of others
no longer need to use and abuse
no longer need to minimize and oppress

they can see it in the way that
cruel words disappear from our lectionaries
and cruel acts disappear from our lives

it seems to me
in a world where cruelty is too often the point
where winning is everything
and where we rejoice that others have lost

that it is time to find love
it is time to find Love (God)
and it is time
to drop

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