
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, May 20, 2022

Simply follow

[Creation] gives us insight into the way Divinity operates, with patience and lots of coming and going, living and dying, resurrecting and spreading seeds of new life.  Species come and go, stars come and go and resurrect.  Creativity and birthing are at the heart of the habits of the universe – indeed the cosmos exhibits habits that we call the paschal mystery of life, death, and resurrection.

          Matthew Fox (The Tao of Thomas Aquinus, pp, 26,27



The heavens declare the glory of God

says the Psalmist (19)




There is nothing like a breathtaking morning

a sky on fire

a snow-covered mountain stark against a blue sky


There is nothing like a doe lightly dancing through a meadow

the grace of a barn cat

the beauty of a bird’s son


to awaken us to all that is Sacred

to beauty



and love


and there is nothing like creation

to reveal the way Sacred works


There is amazing creativity yes

But mixed into the beauty

There is change


And rebirth


And there are so many lessons to be learned


That what looks beautiful and good is not always good

That what looks ugly and useless is not always bad

That things change, indeed must change

That there are grand patterns and cycles


Spring, summer, autumn and winter then spring again

Birth, life, aging and death, then life again


That we can (and should) protect creation

That we can (and do) harm creation


Not just the planet as a whole

But individual species

Individual animals

Even the human creature


But mostly we learn that life is flux

it is change

it is inevitable change


and we learn that much of the change we think is bad

is good

and much of the sameness we think is good is bad.


and we learn that we must look for Sacred newness

and embrace the change God is constantly introducing

into our lives


we cannot be like the religious elite of Jesus’ time (the Sadducees and Pharisees)

who struggled to embrace the fresh air of grace

we cannot be like the political right of Jesus’ time (Judas)

who wanted to impose their own version of change

(which was not change at all, but merely the same old thing)


we must simply follow

with eyes wide open

minds wide open

hearts wide open

hands wide open


and go where the King of Peace leads

which may indeed involve

“coming and going,

living and dying,

resurrecting and spreading seeds of new life”


but will always require



and loving

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