Wayne Muller
Time flies
Time stood still
We know about time
Mostly we know that we feel like we don't have enough
We speed through our days
our hours
our minutes
We speed through life
Our minds spin
Almost faster than we can comprehend....
We have gadgets
smart phones
all designed to help us make the most of our time
and yet
at moments the world stands still
when our child is born
when someone we love dies
when a sunset cannot be ignored
when we play with a grandchild
are with one we love
I seems to me that the deepest moments,
the moments when I am most fully myself
come not when I am racing through my day
but come when I have time
take time
"make" time
When the cell phone stays in the car
and I listen to a person share their hurt
or perhaps their hope
when I walk through the woods and gaze
at the mountains
when I slow down
the deepest moments come
when time stands still
in the face of death and birth
extreme pain and extreme joy
I need to slow down
even stop
a lot more......
"Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength....."
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