
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Run to the Sacred, Run to Grace, Run to Life

“Run my dear,
From anything
That may not strengthen
Your precious budding wings.”
― Hafez

my computer sits on my desk
work to be done
things to do


ah yes,
run my child

says the Sacred One

run from the world of should’s, ought’s and must’s
run from those who would make your love of me
a matter of rule and creed

run from those who would coerce
or manipulate
run from people who would build themselves up at your expense

run from
but also to

to love
to acceptance
to a sense of being loved and forgiven
and accepted

the world is out there
full of life
ready to offer you delight

carpe diem

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