
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

I have a new respect for pain
for almost a year I have woken up with pain somewhere

I am told by my wise doctor that it is all tied together
and it all adds up

after a life time of feeling healthy
this is a new experience
waking up not to vitality, but to pain, somewhere

woven into the fabric of the day is also
the mental pain
the regrets, pain caused
the wounds, pain received

I find I cannot unwind the pain
Mental and physical
They feed on each other

I can only embrace them
The physical
And the emotional
I can only embrace the wounded tattered child
With  self-compassion and generosity

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