
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, July 11, 2019

One or the other

“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”
 Carl R. Rogers, A Way of Being

my fingers hover of the keyboard
there is no gentle way to say this

and yet I do not want to offend

but I am offended
perhaps there are better words
bigger words
the best words

but I am hurt,

part of me simply unravels
when I see the hate filled faces of those with their signs
“God hates you”
“Repent or Burn”

I believe that God is love
Not just that God loves
But that the very nature of God is love

There is nothing in God that is not love

and yet

this religion called Christianity
is an active affront to this very idea

that God is Love

for woven through the fabric of this faith system
are many darker threads

and fundamentally, for many
even those who would insist it is a religion of love
it is a religion of fear

believe the right things
vote for the right person
follow the right rules
have the right ideology
belong to the right religion
say the right words

or you will burn in conscious torment for all eternity
you will be cursed by God, your life will be awful
God will hate you
you will be excluded from God’s grace
excluded from the church

what I see is not a religion of love
but a religion of coercion and retribution

what I see is a religion focused on power and control
not on acceptance and service

Oh, if we fit the prototype
if we can snuggle down inside the ‘community’
if we are on the correct side of the equation,
it all works splendidly

we don’t even notice our own language
our own attitudes
we just roll out the formulas
the talking points

we are like walking talking religious memes

we don’t notice that we exclude, and judge
we don’t notice that our faith is about domination
not servanthood

until things get hard
until the challenges come

and then our God is revealed

Our God is revealed when a refugee shows up at our border
Our God is revealed when we must choose between profit and the planet
Our God is revealed when we are asked to accept and welcome one who is different
Our God is revealed when the poor show up on our doorstep
Our God is revealed when people hurt us, or disappoint us
Our God is revealed in how we use power

Does the God we really follow
Judge?  Exclude?  Threaten?
Does that God have unconditional love (agape), or is that love extremely conditional?
Is our faith centered around fear, satisfying God, earning merit, being on the “right side?”

Or is our God love
And is our faith centered on participating in love, and sharing that love with all?

It has to be one or the other

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