
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

the death of empathy

“Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection - or compassionate action.”
          Daniel Goleman, Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships

When I am on my walk.
In the cool of the morning
As the day is birthed

Things come into my head.
How they get there I do not know,
they just show up

Today God, the Spirit, my ruminating self,
started thinking about a certain kind of faith

I’ve been thinking a lot about faith lately

I get my lessons from the lectionary
(Weekly readings from the Bible)
And it has been wandering through the book of Hebrews

In in that book
written to people in the midst of a faith spasm
there is a section where
like a rolling driving bass rhythm
the worlds flow forth….

By faith, by faith, by faith by faith, by faith….

By faith Abel, Enoch, Noah
By faith Abraham, Sarah, Isaac
By faith Moses

By faith an entire cloud of witnesses
Left comfort,
Left certainty
Left the old

And stepped out into the unknown
Into the wilderness
And took risks,
And put their bodies on the line

Following the prompting of the Spirit

But what we see today
Is a “faith” far different from that we see in Hebrews

That faith that was costly
And it was about God
And service
And transformation
And changing the world

Indeed it was a faith focused on bringing into being a new world
The Kingdom of God

But what we see today
Is a faith that is insular
Even selfish

With this faith the focus is on “me”
It is on my salvation
And on God blessing me
And my “tribe”  (my nation, my party, my church)

It is about my righteousness
My place of privilege
My place “inside the circle”

Where this kind of faith is promoted
And it is promoted in many, many churches
(it is to the church’s advantage to make people feel they are
 Safer, strong, more loved, more righteous, better, because they are part of that church)
There is a certain kind of arrogance
A certain kind of smugness

We are God’s people
We are saved
We are the righteous

And those outside are circle?
Well they are not

They are not loved by God
They are not saved (poor things)
They are not righteous

So this dichotomy emerges
In versus out
Saved versus doomed
Righteous versus sinful
Loved versus hated

It is not that faith cannot be about comfort
Or joy, or hope
Or blessing

But Biblical faith is a far riskier thing
A far more costly thing
And it is something that does not pull people out of the world
But drives people
Eyes wide open
Into the world

Fully aware that they are a motley crew,
Fully aware that they are not

Fully aware that they are just people
Who because they are awake to God
Are called to follow the promptings of the Spirit
Wherever those promptings lead them

And be
In the midst of the mess that is this world

people who are open
And vulnerable
And generous, and caring
And welcoming

Our faith is not about us
It is about us in the world
Connected, feeling, acting in love

By faith

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