
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, September 29, 2019

the problem with tribalism

“Tribalism is really a form of egoism. It's all about my people, my religion, me, me, me.”
                                Marty Rubin

For the people of Israel
In the time of Jesus
Being part of the tribe was a big deal

We are the “children of Abraham”

To which Jesus, pointing to the rocky ground of Palestine succinctly replied
“Out of these rocks God can raise up children of Abraham”

Which is another way of saying “get over yourself”

They didn’t
And sadly, neither have we

I keep thinking about what is going on in our country
At all the ills, that seem to be multiplying
Like bed bugs on a mattress

And keep coming back to the same problem
The fact that we seem to look at reality through the myopic eyes of ego

It’s all about “me”

Why are people OK with kids in cages?
With terminally ill children being kicked out of hospitals?
With hungry children being denied school lunches?
With our natural resources being plundered by the very rich?
With angry people walking around with AR-15s
With women being minimized and oppressed?
And LGBTQI people being demonized?
(just to mention a few ills)?

Its all about what can only be called
Essential selfishness

Each of us focusing first on ourselves
Me First
America First

I come first
My religion comes first
My country comes first
My power comes first
My wealth comes first

And anything that I see as a threat
Anything I think will erode my wealth
My power
My privilege

Has got to go
Has got to be removed

Brown people?  Gone!
Black people? Incarcerated, put away where they belong!
Poor people?  Ignored (no way am I going to share any resources that could come to me with ‘them’, those lazy moochers, those pathetic losers)
The plant? Expendable!
My neighbor?  Inconsequential!

And so decision by decision
Cruelty by Cruelty
Abuse by Abuse
We are creating a “power over”,
privilege soaked world that is the antithesis of “the Kingdom of God”

A Kingdom which, by the way, we are to bring into being here, now,
by the way we love
(Yes, that really is what Jesus really implied!  Pay attention the next time you say the Lord’s Prayer)

At one point, Jesus called his key followers, the “inner circle” together,
and he told them this
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.”

Right now we have leaders (in both the realm of politics and religion)
Who have chosen the wrong way to “greatness”

And the result is on the news every day
Every day, a new insult to the way of the Sacred
A new lie
A new abuse of power
A new capitulation to the politics of greed
A new assault on the way of compassion
And generosity
And healing
And love

What we are doing right now is no way to become great as a nation
It is no way to be authentic as a church

There is only one way
To do what Jesus taught
To let go of the tribalism that takes us into such dark places
To let go of the essential selfishness

And to go the way of essential generosity
And love

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