
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A kiss to my day


do I need you today god

you are an open friend

when prayer is meager salt

so give your full and cozy

kiss to my day

and soon

                     Kirk Ruehl

                     prayer of a hospital chaplain in the time of Covid-19



Man do I need you today god

when prayer is meager salt

when conversations with you feel like

talking to a wall


it would be lovely if you would answer

my cries of the heart


it would be special

if you could do that incarnation thing

and somehow put flesh on your presence


we make such a mess of things

we wallow in greed and corruption

we live in fear

and nurture hate


we have created a society

which punishes those already punished

and condemns people for doing good

which abandons the poor and vulnerable

and embraces arrogance and brutality


we are surrounded by violence

and illness

by hate, and worse, apathy


so we could use a little bit of Love

just a little bit would do


wander among us

as you are want to do

touch us

let us touch you


help us bind hope to our hopelessness

help us to drink from the spring of living water

gulping love

finding nourishment and refreshment


help us ooze forgiveness

and acceptance


and generosity


for we are reminded Lord

that your incarnation thing

in this time, in this place


involves us

as you are incarnate in us

you are incarnate through us


“man, do I need you today God

…so give your full and cozy kiss

to my day

and soon” (KR)

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