
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

God is disguised as your life

God comes disguised as your life

                               Paula D’Arcy


Priesthood simply means the one who names the connection between the transcendent world and this world

                               Richard Rohr



we are all priests/ priestesses

all of us


we are the channel through which Sacred flows,

like a river rushing to the sea,

to this earth


earth itself is crammed with God

God is everywhere, everywhere


In the sun, sneaking into the sky

In the light reflecting off the mountain

In the screech of the hawk

And the yipping laughter of the coyotes


but we seem to have a special role

the role of putting flesh on Love


I don’t know why, some of the time

the Sacred is so hard to see

it should be obvious enough


but frankly “the presence” gets blurred

in the mist of all the hate and greed

as illnesses rage

hurricanes roar

politicians lie

and countries war


and so we end up in a “dry and weary land”

desperately in need of living water

in need of Sacred


the spring that refreshes

and gives life

is within us


we carry Sacred

in Jesus talk we carry the Spirit

the “water of life”


it wells up

oozes out

and flows

rushes, gushes

and we become


priests and priestesses

we become the continuing incarnation


Sacred Presence in us

Allows us to be Sacred Presence in this weary world



Sounds like an over statement

Sounds foolish, crazy even


And yet this same truth

Is sprinkled through the teachings of the Christian Bible

Is ever present in the words of Jesus


It is present in other faiths as well

Thich Nhat Hanh notes

“when mindfulness is in you, the Holy Spirit is in you,

and your friends will see it, not just by what you say, but through

your whole being”  (Living Buddha, Living Christ, p.24)


God come disguised as our lives


This day, how will I be the incarnation?

How will I feed others?

How will I proclaim “good news”

How will I fight for justice?

How will I water the earth with love?


Come Dear One

put your lips on my forehead

and light the Holy Lamp

inside my heart. (Hafiz)


that I might fill the world

with your Love


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