The old is forever repeated… “my violence is okay because
your violence was wrong”. Don’t we see
that there has to be a way out of this stupidity? When both are blind we both fall into the
pit. Vengeance seems so logical, but it
doesn’t really work. It doesn’t advance
human history.
The wonder of the resurrection stories in the Gospels is
that Jesus has no punitive attitude toward the authorities or his cowardly
followers, and that the followers themselves never call for any kind of holy
war against those who killed their leader.
Something new has clearly transpired in history. This is not the common and expected story
line. All Jesus does is breathe
Rohr, the wisdom pattern
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what
is right in the eyes of everyone. If it
is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but
leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will
repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty,
give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with
good. (Romans 12)
of Tarsus
I remember the old joke, which in other days, I deemed so
“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord”, but I enjoy being
God’s tool
It is no so funny anymore
Vengeance does seem so logical
Get even
Make the one who hurt you “pay”
There is a certain satisfaction in retribution
But a certain emptiness too
It is interesting to think about Paul’s statement
Leave room for God’s wrath
(or would we call it karma)
Leave room for God’s wrath
what a potentially unsatisfying thing to do
from a human perspective
if God is not a God of wrath
perhaps we are asked to leave room for God’s wrath
and not exact our own vengeance
specifically because God will NOT respond the way we
the way we desire
but because the response of the crucified one
the betrayed one
was to bless not curse
forgive not hate
restore not punish
Peter, feed my sheep
Stephen, feed my sheep
Whomever you are, feed my little sheep
we know vengeance and retribution do not work
we need no more history to teach us this lesson
hate begets hate and violence begets violence
it is a never ending circle
a cycle of destruction and devastation
we will never move forward
without forgiveness
there is a time to rattle the bar
there is a time for disorder
that much is clear
the structures of power and privilege
will never change without confrontation
but that confrontation must look like the cross
not the sword
even as I write this my logic is violated
my mind protests
and my heart too
we must destroy order
and create disorder
to find a new order
but what does a holy rebellion look like
how do we really move toward change?
How do we walk the line between raw, gross vengeance and
and apathy and inaction?
I have no other model than that of Jesus
who challenged
who left the world shaken and stirred
but did so through forgiveness and not vengeance
who waded into the cycle of retribution
and said “this stops here”
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