What does “believe” mean?
There is a “lie” in the middle of it, that’s the first thing. Believe.
My Dictionary of Etymology
notes that a particular Germanic rootword contributing to believe means “to
make palatable to oneself”. To be
believe and to feel believed, these are deeper forms of the same thing. Curiously the entry for “belittle” is what
follows the entry for believe in my etymological dictionary. When [our story] is not believed, then
things are exhausting
No wonder we are exhausted
We spend so much time trying to figure out what we
What our “truth” is
And there are so many “truths’ out there
Truths about this world
Truths about this virus
Truths about ourselves
And we try to make sense of it all
We create a belief system
Something we can hang on to, something that works, for us
There really is truth in what we believe
but honestly, we should probably pay attention
to the lie in the center
for we have constructed our belief
out of all the fragments of life that have come our way
from the tomes of belief, like the Bible
from FOX news, and MSNBC, and NPR
we have contrasted our belief out of our own life
out of what we have done, and what has been done to us
out of what we have been taught
and we have woven all of this together into a covering,
in which we wrap ourselves
a cloak which shelters us
there is truth there
there are, truly, flecks of the Sacred sprinkled in
objective realities and truths that will not change
even in this post fact world
God is love
kindness is more powerful that cruelty
forgiveness frees
but in the center is the lie
as we seek comfort, and in that search try to make
reality “palatable”
comfortable, and safe
we create our own truth, all of us
I do!
I create my own reality, my own version of how things
even my own version of God
and its palatable, it fits what I want to believe
and thus the lie
which means, if it means nothing else
that I must constantly bathe myself in uncertainty and
in that abrasive truth that I might be wrong
because if I do not, then when I encounter others
whose beliefs (and lies) are different from mine
my response is belittlement
it is minimization and marginalization of the other
and it is exhausting
pushing other people down, out, away
far more exhausting than lifting them up
than welcoming, accepting, loving
only One holds the truth
and somehow I have to let go of those things I believe
those things I hold on to so tightly
and let that One
create holy uncertainty
which is the certainty, that the one thing I can hold
fast to
the one truth I can live by
is Love
When I say “I believe” may there be few specifics!
For the more specifics the more the lie
May there simply be the assertion
That God is Love
That Love is
That Love lives in each one of us
And that no matter what we do, it must be done in love
What do I believe about Covid-19?
I have my beliefs!
But no matter what they are, I have to respond to the
With love
No matter what truth I have grasped for myself, no matter
I have shaped reality to make it palatable to myself
Deadly, not deadly
Truth or hoax
If I believe in the One, in Love
then I distance, no matter what!
I wear a mask, no matter what!
If I know there is a lie (not intentional to be sure) in
the middle of my beliefs
and can allow for uncertainty, and in that uncertainty,
allow room for love
and acceptance, and kindness
then I will love not belittle
and that
is a good thing!
“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have
received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another
in love.” (Ephesians 4:1,2)
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