
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Image for God that shall not be named

thanks be to God
Paul Kliewer
who cared enough to nurture
who spend the time
as father's often do
to teach me to fish
who take me hunting (whether I wanted to go or not)
and teach me to drive

thanks be to God
for a man whose big hands
struggled with small stamps
so he could have a hobby to do with his son

thanks be to God 
for hikes through the sage brush
for long trips in the car
to far away places

thanks be to God
for a quick smile
and genuine laughter
for a love of rocks (yes rocks)

my father was a good dad
not a perfect dad
all of us who have been fathers know how impossible that is
but he loved his children
and he lived his love

and I am thankful
and thankful too that my father's love
gave me a glimpse
of that big, giving, teaching, side of the Sacred
 I know not all children were so lucky

I know there are men out there
who were not there for their children
I know there are men out there who hurt their children
abused them
betrayed them

there are men out there who make the image of 
something horrible and painful
one that does not work
as an image for a loving God

and so O God
I not only give thanks
but I ask for healing  
I ask that you touch those
whose were wounded

touch them with your
nurturing love

that is both masculine 
and feminine
with that love
that is so


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