
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, September 9, 2013

the place of grace

“The gospel is good news for sick people and is disturbing for those who think they’ve got it all together.  Some of us have been told our whole lives that we are wretched, but the gospel reminds us that we are beautiful.  Others of us have been told our whole lives that we are beautiful, but the gospel reminds us that we are also wretched.   THE CHURCH IS A PLACE WHERE WE CAN STAND UP AND SAY WE ARE WRETCHED, AND EVERYONE WILL NOD AND AGREE AND REMIND US THAT WE ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL.”
Author known but not remembered (at the moment) J

I am the beautiful wretched

Guess what!?

So are you!

And it is only when we know that we are beautiful
And wretched
that we are able to live grace

I know I know
Too many of us are way too aware that we are wretched
Our lives are driven by our sense of deficit

If we do not realize that we are also beautiful
We deny the sacred within
We deny our birthright

Ah, but if we do not understand that we are wretched
If we are only in that place where we are right and in

When we look out there and see
Those people (those wretched) people
Well then we are
Power over kinds of people

And people
That is not beautiful

We are such a mix of good and bad
Weak and strong
Righteous and sinful

This is the mystery of the gospel
this is the place

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