
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, September 8, 2014

Light reveals all

the world is gray
in the weak half light
of pre-dawn
the mountain looms indistinct
and colors are muted
vague shadows of themselves

an owl hoots in the distance
invisible among the dark trees

ah, but then the sun
blood red in a smoky sky

and the earth comes alive around me
uncut grains glimmers brilliant gold
in front of the deep green of grass

the mountain slowly emerges with all its
contours and colors
cliffs and rocks suddenly emerging three-dimensional
and sharp

flocks of birds swirl in the sky
and grazing deer appear
alert and curious

beauty abounds
revealed by the light

revealed too is the twisted coil of barbed wire
lying rusty in the ditch
and the rotting pile of yard debris
yellow and fetid

a flash of metal reveals a beer can
discarded by the side of the road

light reveals all
the good, the bad and the ugly

so too the light of God’s presence
brings to my soul’s awareness
the beauty of God’s love
and the joy of the fact that I am a child of the sacred
Yes, that is what I am!

but mixed among the beauty are mixed
the things I would rather not see

there they are
those rusty, rotting things

but they are not terminal
and they do not negate the beauty laid bare by God’s love
they are part of the fabric of life
only a part
to be worked through
and addressed

so that my eyes are free
to focus

the beauty

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