
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, May 13, 2016

Falling Awake

" Don't stop,
Don't think,
Come to my door,
At any moment
even if your eyes
Are frightened by my light
My heart .... and my arms are open,
And need no rest.

They will always welcome You. "
                             - Hafiz

I walk through the quiet beauty of the early morning
Stimulant (coffee) in hand, but ultimately unneeded

This is my time to “fall awake”
I have been doing this lately
For too many years I have woken up, swung my feet reluctantly out of bed
and have hit the ground running.

Now I try to take a moment, just a moment, to lie there, and breathe, and say good morning to myself? 
To touch base with my mind, but more, my heart, my soul 
Sometimes I walk gently through the Sacred space around my house

Today I walk
I see lilacs, thinking about blossoming, a good 6 weeks ahead of schedule
I see Iris, purple and gold confusion, coloring the way to the mountain which
strains into a sky of azure blue

two does peek at me from grass that is high and emerald green
while several yearlings play tag with wild abandon around them

behind them my pastures stretch rich and verdant
embellished with wildflowers of brilliant blue and yellow

the sun dances through the trees setting the grass aflame
and the smell of warming pines
floats lightly on a gentle breeze

this is not a time to stop and think
but merely a time
to walk in the light
and accept the open arms
and open heart
of the Sacred

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