
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, August 30, 2019

I carry You in my heart

It took almost everything I had
To get up and get into the car

In the dry heat of an Eastern Oregon afternoon
I drove the back roads to Wallowa
The small town where many of those I worship with happen to live

As I drove I was haunted
Weighed down

More hate from the White House
More racism
More fuel on the fire of White Supremacy

Another shooting
20 plus people killed why shopping

Who were those people
Hispanic, mostly
Perhaps white

Who were they
What were they shopping for?
A birthday gift?

It doesn’t matter
For they will never return home
At least they will not return to an earthly home

Because those words, so casually spoken
At a rally of deplorables
“How do we stop ‘the invasion’”
“We shoot them!”

Became real

I carried it with me
The hate, the death, sat in the passenger seat

It took all I could do to drive those 30 miles
Because at that moment the day was full of death
(it would get worse)

Full of little failures
A failure to connect with the sermon passage
A failure to advise
A failure to connect

And then I tapped into so many other failures
As a pastor
A counselor
A friend
A pastor
A person seeking love

And as the miles passed
I wondered, ‘why bother’

What difference will it make
That I made this attempt
What will it change?

I’m still not sure
I hope, I hope against hope
That even with my deficits
I can touch lives one person at a time

I hope that even when I am tired and oppressed
I can find it in me to listen, and care.

I hope, that even when I walk in the door
Filled with a kind of rage over what is happening in our country
Filled with sadness over the deaths of innocents
Filled with despair over my capacity to make a difference
Filled with regrets over my own shortcomings, my own failures

I carry with me the Christ
Deep down in my soul

And then this presence

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