
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

living with uncertainty

I was lamenting
somewhere in the depths of my soul
the fact that life seems so uncertain

my life seems so uncertain
love seems so uncertain
the future of mental health programs seems so uncertain
my future seems so uncertain

I have come to believe that
while I probably have a higher tolerance 
for uncertainty and ambiguity than most
there are limits

and there are times when I want to know
what is next
what God wants
what I am supposed to do
what is the next right choice
but I think I am fated to never really be
in a place of certainty

As he explores the scriptures Richard Rohr comes to the conclusion
that we have to be somewhat comfortable with uncertainty
With knowing and not knowing. 
He says we have to accept both the mountaintop, the place of certainty, and the desert, the place of wandering. 
“The mountain is about presence, the desert about absence”
“The mountain is about speaking, the desert about silence”
“The mountain is about knowing, the desert about not knowing.”

The people of God were always moving between the valley (desert) and the mountain
and it seems as if somehow, they needed both

when we are locked into certainty we become 
rigid, stuck, and unbearable 
"I am right, you must believe what I believe.  You must behave the way I proscribe"

when we are locked into uncertainty we become frozen
fearful, and again, stuck

I suspect that it is when we are in that space
moving back and forth between moments of certainty
and uncertainty

that we find the humility, the openness, 
the receptivity 
we need 
to grow, to move
to be God's people
people who love and care, 
who help each other, and have compassion

not people standing 'above" looking down
or people mired up to our necks in the messes of the world
but uncertainly in between

but I am not certain :)

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