
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Thursday, July 18, 2013

God, give me new eyes

So many people
Wide and thin
Short and tall
black, brown, white
Smiling and crying
Striding into their day, full of hope
wearily and tentatively edging into this day
Cautious and afraid
truly unprepared
to face another day

So many people
And with my eyes and mind I define them
Categorize them
Good or bad
Strong or weak
Well or sick
Worthwhile or
God help me 
may I never see anyone as worthless
For in your eyes Lord
Everyone is sacred
A beloved child
Precious and valuable
Not defined by addiction or illness
Failure or fear
Not defined by those things we as humans use
To label or categorize and judge
God is always saying,
 “Here I am, I love you
and in love will do anything for you
and I only ask one thing of you
that you love others as I love you
 that you see others, as I see you
that you touch all of life as if i am touching it through you
and understand
that the person in front of you
 is sacred"
Lord, let me see each person who comes into my path this day
As sacred
Valuable beyond belief
And treat them accordingly


  1. This was beautiful, very deep and couragous reflection. Sometimes a hard revelation for some to accept. Thank you for sharing, I was blessed.

  2. I call it finding and loving the Christ within those that He brings into my path. My son told me that after discovering recovery he would close his eyes at meetings to keep from judging those that were sharing their story. He said I am not strong enough yet to get past that external layer that prevents me from really seeing them. Maybe if we squint and open our heart and our ears we can find the Christ that dwells within.
