
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Sunday, May 24, 2020

like a child

A child’s mere pencil sketch, is every religion’s best description of God…

What is God like?

It’s confusing you know

Everywhere we look we see adults
Pontificating about God

Today I ran across a guy one twitter
Whose self-description
Was, essentially
“Lover of guns, lover of God”

He was busy propounding that Covid-19
Is the fault of the LBGTQI community and abortion,

Richard Rohr was talking about how God is to be found in the darkness

And yet another was talking about how God is “only light”

Is suspect it is probably true
that, as they say, we create God in our own image

which is to say that the God we embrace
pretty much reflects our priorities and values

We “imprint” God with our stuff
Rather than allowing God to “imprint” us

For me, God and guns do NOT go together
For some, because they are about domination,
And see God as being about domination, they certainly do

So it raises the question about how we grab hold
of the true nature of God.

There is always Jesus, God with us.
If we want to know what God is like, we can look to him
How did Jesus live
How did Jesus love
How did Jesus treat people…..?

But of course, even that gets messy
Because we are pretty God at making Jesus into
Whom we want him to be
Just as we make God into our own creation

I find it interesting
That numerous times in the Bible
the image used for God is a parent

Mother hen

Which makes me think
That we should look at God
Like a child

Not an abused child
Betrayed child
Wounded child
Cowed child

But as a beloved child
Loved child
Perhaps even spoiled child

As a child who feels
Cared for
And loved
Above all else, loved

And whatever else we want to bring
Into our process of “defining” God

It must be subjugated to that image of God
As loving adult

That one who loves us
Without strings

That one who is always there
That one whose face lights up when they see us
That one who teaches and guides
That one who forgives
That one who comforts
That one who will do anything for us
Sacrifice anything for us
Give up his/her life for us

That one we can always run to
In joy
And in sorrow

Which is why I expect
That crayon drawing of God
I have
From my little buddy Ryan

Is probably as theologically astute
As those tomes by Pannenberg, Moltmann
Bultmann, Brunner, Barth, Niebhur

That sit gathering dust upon my shelves

That drawing
Of a very round
And jolly God
With a warm smile
And open arms

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