
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, May 25, 2020

the curse of the autonomous self

Your health is not more important than my liberties
                                         Seen on a car at an “open the country” rally

Unfortunately, for centuries the Christian vision of church was narrowed to what we have today—a preoccupation with very private salvation. Our “personal relationship with Christ” seems to be with a very small notion of Christ. We’ve modeled church after a service station where members attend weekly services to get their faith fix. We’ve commodified the very notion of salvation.

“Individualism has taken away the credibility of the Gospel in the western world because we think we can seek our private freedom - independently of others. But genuine evangelization must move forward on two rails. We must simultaneously evangelize individuals, calling them to freedom, and evangelize institutions, nations, and systems, calling them to conversion.

The West has made an art form of the individual person; it is one of our gifts to civilization, but we have paid a big price for this gift. Because of our over-identification with this autonomous self, we have overemphasized our separateness and uniqueness, leaving us trapped and alone. (Christians, who should know better, usually seek an entirely private notion of salvation instead of their communion with everybody else—which would be “heaven” here and now.)

                                         Richard Rohr (selected readings)

Moments of trial
Are often moments of change

Many of us struggle with change
Especially change that is profound

The kind of change that forces us to leave behind
things that we treasure

or leave behind our comfort

Especially the kind of change that takes us beyond ourselves

that is one of the things about this virus
it is forcing us to change
to rethink
what is important
to shift patterns of behavior
and ways of thinking

one of the things that is being assailed
is the essential selfishness that has become so much a part of America
these past few years

It is not that it is unimportant to care for the self
We need to do that
And some people are deficit in just this way
They have no boundaries, they are enablers….

But we can only focus on self in the context of community

As I see it, this is the great failure of Christianity today

It has become about “Jesus and me”
and the place of community has been lost

Faith is about my being rescued from my sin
My being protected by God’s love
My finding my way to heaven
My joy
My peace


When in fact Christianity, at its best is all about community
“You are the body of Christ”
Says Paul

A body where everyone is important
Where everyone has a role
Where everyone works together for “the common good”.

The fact is Jesus did not call people to individual salvation alone
He called people to the task of initiating
Of BEING the Kingdom of God

He called people to live together in such a way
That no one was excluded

But rather in a way that everyone
Was included
Built up

This time of crisis is reminding us
That all are Children of God
No one is expendable

We cannot throw people away because they are ‘on their last legs”
We cannot behave in ways that endanger others for our own benefit

It’s a razors edge, to be sure
There are no easy answers
Damage lies in every direction

But as we make our choices, we must think of the other
And it is likely
In the divine equation
That another person’s health IS as important as my liberties

Of course it goes much deeper than this
Way past the issues of a virus and sheltering

And this may be one of the things we need to learn from this time
That we cannot continue to support systems
That marginalize people
And exclude people

We must, as followers of Jesus
Work to change those systems
Those institutions
Those priorities

That leave others behind
Health systems
Justice systems
Economic systems
Ethical systems

All must change
For Jesus came not just to save you, or me
But to save all creation

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