
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Monday, July 21, 2014

finding the sacred - where to look

Jesus is always on the side of the crucified ones. He changes sides in the twinkling of an eye to go wherever the pain is. He is not loyal to one religion, to this or that group, or to the worthy; Jesus is only and always loyal to human suffering. Jesus is what mythology called a “shape-shifter,” and no one seeking power can use him for their private purposes. Those whose hearts are opened to human pain will see Jesus everywhere, and their old dualistic minds will serve them less and less, for the Shape-Shifter ends up shifting our very shape, too.
                                                                Richard Rohr

if we want to find the sacred
if we want to see the divine woven into the fabric of human existence
if we want to see the power
the true power
of love at work

we look where
the world is hurting
we look where we are hurting
and there it is

if we look for the sacred in power, we find oppression and judgment
we find anger and hate

if we look for it in righteousness, we find self-righteousness and arrogance
if we look for it in rules, we find fear

it is when we look for the sacred
in those places where all is turmoil, fragmentation, and pain
that we see clearly the holy
and we see clearly the unholy

In Gaza City we see the anguish of God
for “children” gone astray
Into the way of violence
and for children crushed and killed by that violence

we see the sacred in the charred ground of MH17
and find it in the buses full of children, far from home

in those place the nature of God’s heart
is clear
and in those places the reality of the divine presence
is found in both the lives of those afflicted
and in the actions of those who work for peace and healing
this is where the sacred breaks through our apathy and complacency
and forces us to see and think, and feel, and respond
and change

so too in the painful areas of our lives
in the pain of relationships gone wrong
errors made
people hurt

in the pain of addiction
and fear
and anger

in the pain of hopelessness and helplessness
there the sacred breaks through
and works
against those forces that would destroy

it is then that we feel the sacred deeply
it is then that we see
the sacred

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