
Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced!

Arthur Darby Nock

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
And only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Browning

Friday, July 25, 2014

Up to our chins in poop

“If we stay where we are, where we're stuck, where we're comfortable and safe, we die there. We become like mushrooms, living in the dark, with poop up to our chins. If you want to know only what you already know, you're dying. You're saying: Leave me alone; I don't mind this little rathole. It's warm and dry. Really, it's fine.

When nothing new can get in, that's death. When oxygen can't find a way in, you die. But new is scary, and new can be disappointing, and confusing - we had this all figured out, and now we don't.

New is life.”
― Anne Lamott, Help Thanks Wow: Three Essential Prayers

We really wish they would change
those people

We really wish life would remain the way it was
as we remember it
back then

don’t confuse us with the reality
that it really wasn’t that way
We love our fantasizes

about when men were men
and women were women
and children were seen and not heard
and America never did anything wrong

we really want to believe that the problem
is someone else’s
that whatever discomfort or pain we feel
is because things “out there” are changing
for the worse

is because people who act differently
think differently
look differently
are invading our space

the problem is
with whomever doesn’t agree with us

and so we listen to the voices that tell us this is true
and we look outwardly
and we snuggle down
like mushrooms
with poop (our own) up to our chins

the poop of resentment and fear

and slowly
we die


"I have abandoned my search for truth
  and am now looking for a good fantasy”
                                                Ashleigh Brilliant

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